Thursday, January 7, 2010

Gun powder and its effects on us?

What has gunpowder effected - WW1/2 guncrime etc - and how does that effect us now/ what would it be like without it? Gun powder and its effects on us?
Gunpowder (black powder) has not been used for some time now in weaponry, as it was replaced by cordite. Gunpowder is now only used in fireworks (really just returning to its roots!)

Therefore, if it ceased to exist, nobody would notice any difference in the world.

If you mean the effects of weapons such as guns, rifles (including automatic), bombs etc then hard to say what life would be like without them. The earliest ';gun'; in existence today has been dated to 1288, and obviously they were in use before this. Englands great victory over the French at Crecy in 1346 was the first use of cannon in European warfare.

Life with ';powder'; in one form or another has been evolving with us for a very long time, and has shaped our history. Gunpowder, and its successors, have been such a part of human existence that it is impossible to imagine a world that has evolved without its influence.

Jack Kelly wrote a really good book on the subject, entitled simply ';Gunpowder'; which is well worth reading if you are interested in this subject.

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