Thursday, December 24, 2009

What will powder brown sugar do to my cats watery eyes?

Probably irritate them. Why would you put something in your cat's eyes like that? If your cat's eyes are watering it might have allergies or an upper respiratory infection. There's this new thing - it's called a VET - how about giving them a try?What will powder brown sugar do to my cats watery eyes?
Don't put sugar on your cats eyes.What will powder brown sugar do to my cats watery eyes?
There are approved medications for cat's eyes--why not contact the vet about them?

Lysine, crushed and put over the food, cures the Herpes virus that makes some cats eyes all runny. 250-500mg pill once a day crushed %26amp; sprinkled on the food is a cat dose. It doesn't work on the calci virus though. But it does clear the herpes virus up in 3 days.
I'm hoping it was an accident that got the sugar there.

Call the vet.

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